Three reasons to work with us:
We offer high-quality services provided by trained and experienced professionals. We rigorously comply with ASETRAD’s code of ethics and of course all our assignments are under the utmost confidentiality.
We respond to your query quickly, both by email and telephone. We always take into account the specific needs of each client and adapt to offer the service that best suits your situation.
We keep you informed and clarify any pending questions. We do not disappear after delivery! We will still be there; just in case you need us for any questions.
My working languages are French, English, Greek and Italian and my mother tongue is Spanish (from Spain). Having spent many years abroad, I have a true understanding of French, Greek and of course Spanish cultures. I have actually been living in the Madrid-Athens-Paris triangle for years… And I still can pick one!
I have been working in the translation and conference interpreting industry for years. My background gives me a comprehensive view of the work process and the specific needs of every client. I have worked with many private companies, multinationals, public bodies, and international institutions.
You might be wondering about my training… Sit tight! I hold a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, where I specialised in legal translation and conference interpreting. In 2011, I was homologated as a sworn French-Spanish translator and interpreter by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, and Cooperation. Being an enthusiast of continuous training, I then enrolled in a master’s degree at the UNED (specialisation in French literature, lexicography, and translation). At that time, I started receiving more and more interpreting projects, and therefore decided to pause my professional activity and continue my training at one of the most demanding universities in conference interpreting. This is how I spent three years in Paris, being trained at the École Supérieure d’Interprètes et de Traducteurs (ESIT), member of the EMCI Consortium. And here we are now, 2020 and I have just resumed my freelance professional life more enthusiastic than ever!
BA in Translation and Interpreting
(English, French, Italian, Spanish)
Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (Spain)
Conference Interpreting
(English, French and Greek into Spanish)
École Supérieure d’Interprètes et de
Traducteurs (ESIT) (France)
MA in French and
Francophone Studies
Universidad Nacional de
Educación a Distancia (Spain)
Sworn translator-interpreter
Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
European Union and Cooperation
BA in Translation and Interpreting
(English, French, Italian, Spanish)
Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
MAin French and
Francophone Studies
(Universidad Nacional de
Educación a Distancia (Spain)
Conference Interpreting
(English, French and Greek into Spanish)
École Supérieure d’Interprètes et de
Traducteurs (ESIT) (France)
Sworn translator-interpreter
Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
European Union and Cooperation